Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Animoto - February 10, 2015

Today we made a few little Animoto videos in class. It is a fun tool to use. I used pictures from Google and from Flickr. I got a little confused on Flickr and when I downloaded, it used the url/folder or something weird and I couldn't upload them to Animoto...so lesson learned ;o) make sure I open and download the actual pic from Flickr.

We talked about getting good images and the additional search tools on Google - use those! Remember we can drag pictures to the search bar to find others like that image. It is helpful.

Animoto could be a fun tool for an assessment - highlights from a book club book, review from a lesson in social studies. Maybe it's "pictures" that show different parts of speech. A video of adjectives, etc. It seemed simple enough for students to use... I'm not sure if they would all have to create accounts? hmmm?? Something to look into. But good all the same.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Reflection on Audacity February 3rd 2015

We made our "Pompeii News" recording today and had a little too much fun. I think it will be one of those things that we think is really funny - but other people will just shrug their shoulders, roll their eyes and wonder why we are so amused. Oh well ;o)

The Audicity system seems pretty user friendly. I will  need to play with it a little bit more. I am slower at finding and uploading and moving things around. I can do it, just not as quickly as some of my younger cohort friends! But then I am the one who was listening when Pam, our teacher said, "Remember it won't let you make changes if you have it on PAUSE". So I do add some benefit to our group ;o) So remember for future reference: You need to STOP playing the clip to be able to manipulate it.

I appreciate the other sound clip libraries we had to work with. I am going to add them here, so I won't forget them:

Audio Resources

Soundzabound: Login to Pioneer Library (Links to an external site.) using the Student Login (pioneer, discover) to access a licensed version of Soundzabound
Freesound.org (Links to an external site.) :  Need to create a free account to download sounds
SoundBible (Links to an external site.)
Free Music Archive (Links to an external site.)

I think that's all I have on this one. 

p.s. Kahoot.it - fun for interactive quizzes with the class, when they have access to computers/chromebooks, etc. Pam says there are lots of pre-made quizzes to choose from.